In June 2006, a bright idea came to life as a small group of individuals designed a 20,000 sq ft dream center with a vision to provide a place for physical activity and training opportunities for a broad array of children from the child with special needs to the competitive athlete, all experiencing amazing personal success. TNT’s framework from the beginning was built upon vision and ambition. We connect people, adapt, and modify. These are our guiding principles. It’s a driving force that allows us to be visionary and instill creativity into our business plan, curriculum, and collaborative partnerships. With TNT’s mindset of collaboration, we recognized each opportunity to better serve by working together.
TNT is an organization that strives to unlock potential through movement. TNT is just 1 of 2 organizations in the entire country that provides inclusive programs for multiple abilities. TNT has accomplished this by providing inclusive settings to meet the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs of all individuals served. TNT’s intent is to support the community goal of preparing children to succeed. TNT staff, alongside 200+ school paraprofessionals/special education teachers, work together to utilize TNT’s intended tools and methods that are transferable back to the school setting. It is our trait to be innovative. TNT has spent years developing a wide-range of special needs curriculum, professional development, and building partnerships to gain knowledge to best enhance learning for all abilities.