Adler Theatre 
The beauty of the original Radio-Keith-Orpheum’s Art Deco style was reflected in its gold leaf ceiling, crystal light fixtures and black ebony, walnut and marble detail. Much of that original movie theatre style remains and continues to recall the rich history of the Adler Theatre.
- 1926 The RKO chain needs bigger theatre In Davenport.
- 1931 The RKO Orpheum Theatre-Mississippi Hotel complex opens at a cost of $2 million. The theatre is Iowa’s largest movie house.
- 1973 The Orpheum’s large size and the growth of multiplex movie theatres contribute to the closing of the RKO as a regular movie house. Sporadic use for road shows and rock concerts continue.
- 1981 The Davenport Chamber of Commerce buys the RKO and donates it to the non-profit RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, Inc.
- 1986 After a major fundraiser of $4.25 million, the RKO Orpheum is restored to its Art Deco glory and renamed the Adler Theatre.
- 2006 Substantial behind-the-scenes improvements are completed, including an increase in critical stage and storage space, improvements in sound, lighting, rigging, dressing rooms, elevators and HVAC.
- TODAY The beautifully restored theatre continues to present a diverse line-up of live, theatrical productions featuring celebrity headliners, first-rate Broadway shows, comedians and more.
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